Hi there! If you are reading this post you have found the new home of 907 Creations by Ca’Trena. This is where I will be posting all things crafty and updates on craft club happenings.
To catch you up on what I’ve been up to lately….
- I completed a good bit of my projects for the Holiday season but I do have some stragglers…how did you do on your crafty gifts? If you are like me, those gifts will be better late than never or a “sure thing” for next year.
- With the holidays over the calendar is clear to pursue craft session again. The January calendar will be posted this week.
- I have secretly been working on several designs. A 907creations original crochet and cross stitch pattern will be making their debuts soon.
Well that’s it for now. I look forward to connecting with each and every one of you. Until then “Get Your Craft On”!